Solved Falsehood - Alleged Fishing Tape Alibi

Dowling never claimed that the fishing tape was his alibi for the murder. Police came to his house while he was at work and seized the tape after his wife showed it to them. Dowling never spoke to the police subsequently on advice from his attorney. He said he told his attorney, Karen Kuebler, on 10-30-97 the day after his arrest that he was at the strip club named Adult World during the alleged time of the murder. Public Defender Sodus and Investigator Robert Harmon visited Adult World 5 days later (11-5) and again 2 days after that (11-7). A subsequent attorney filed an official court alibi on 8-26-98 citing the Adult World location. There was no earlier alibi that was “changed.” The court alibi prevented Dowling from arguing at trial that he was at the fishing lake, so the prosecution knew it had no need to dispute the videotape. Nevertheless Dr. Boyle was hired soon afterwards, in Sept. 1998, and he first told police that the timestamps on the tape were altered on 9-28-98.